Question: The chart below give information on the ages of the population of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050.
The pie charts show demographic information of Yemen and Italy in a comparative manner. The different statistical data is presented to compare the growth and decline of different age groups of populace in these countries between 2000 and the projected year 2050.
In 2000, in Yemen the highest percentage(14.3%) of population belonged to 0-14 years aged group while, in Italy it was a quarter in percentile of Yemen at the same time. Then, the second highest group of population in Yemen was of the 15-59 years old 46.3% when Italy had 61.6%, the highest group in Italy.
In 2050, generations of population exchange trends between these two countries differ greatly. In Yemen, 15-59 years old group will be the highest(67.3%) while in Italy, this group's proportion would fell from its previous 61.6 to 46.2. Another drastic change that would occur by 2050 is seen in the 60+ years people, which would be 42.3% in Italy whereas, Yemen will have only 5.7%.
Thus, overall trends predict that Italy will face workforce difficulties as by 2050 it will have only 11.5% youths while its counterpart Yemen will have 37.0%.